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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What scales shall i learn if i want to improvise heavy metal solos?

Question:Id like to be able to play some darker sounding kinda solos, just wondering what i need to learn in order to do so, thanks.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Id like to be able to play some darker sounding kinda solos, just wondering what i need to learn in order to do so, thanks.

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The best scale is the diminshed scale and whole tone scale.
If you know how to do arpeggios, use the diminshed arpegio like Malsteem and others use.
Theysound good and are easy to learn and do. Once you know one scale in a key, it repeats every 4th fret.

Natural Minor, Harmonic Minor, Minor Pentatonic,
and the Lydian, Phrygian and Locrian modes
thats a good start