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Position:Home>Performing Arts> For people who can play guitar help this is simple... i think?

Question:i hear that this is supposed to be easy is it??? how do i read the music like this?? i dont understand it

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i hear that this is supposed to be easy is it??? how do i read the music like this?? i dont understand it

You are displaying what is called Tablature Notation for the guitar.
There are generally six strings on a guitar. Each one is tuned to a certain note. That note is designated by the letters along the left edge of your diagram. You tune a string by playing it open. That means you don't use any fingers to press down on the string. You just pick or strum the string.

The most common tuning for a six string guitar would be the open 1st string tuned to E, the open 2nd string tuned to the next lower B, the open 3rd string tuned to the next lower G, the open 4th string tuned to the next lower D, the open 5th string tuned to the next lower A and the open 6th string tuned to the next lower E.
E |---------------------------------------... (1st string)
B |---------------------------------------... (2nd string)
G |---------------------------------------... (3rd string)
D |---------------------------------------... (4th string)
A |---------------------------------------... (5th string)
E |---------------------------------------... (6th string)
Below I have diagramed two different chords.
E |---------------3-----------------------... (1st string)
B |----1----------------------------------... (2nd string)
G |---------------------------------------... (3rd string)
D |----2----------------------------------... (4th string)
A |----3---------2------------------------... (5th string)
E |---------------3-----------------------... (6th string)
You will notice two vertical columns of numbers. Because they are lined up vertically in the diagram, they must be played simultaneously.
If there are no numbers on the strings, then the string is played open. If there is a number on a string, that number represents the fret counted from the tuning end of the guitar.
The first vertical column of numbers represents the C major chord. The second vertical column of numbers represent the G major chord.
On one beat, you play the first vertical column of numbers. On the next beat, you play the next vertical column of numbers.
However, some musicians (especially professionals) tune their guitars differently. In your diagram below, that is the case. It has the open 1st string tuned to D, the open 2nd string tuned to the next lower A, the open 3rd string tuned to the next lower F, the open 4th string tuned to the next lower E, the open 5th string tuned to the next lower G and the open 6th string tuned to the next lower C.
D |---------------------------------------... (1st string)
A |---------------------------------------... (2nd string)
F |---------------------------------------... (3rd string)
E |----5------0-----2-----10--------------... (4th string)
G |----5------0-----2-----10--------------... (5th string)
C |----5------0-----2-----10--------------... (6th string)
In your example above, on the first beat, you play the first vertical column by placing one finger on the 5th fret of the 4th string, another finger on the 5th fret of the 5th string, and another finger on the 5th fret of the 6th string.
On the next beat, you play the second vertical column by playing all six strings open (no fingers on any frets) since the 0 is the same as an open string.
On the next beat, you play the next vertical column by placing a finger on the 2nd fret of the 4th string, a finger on the 2nd fret of the 5th string, and a finger on the 2nd fret of the 6th string.
On the next beat, you play the next vertical column by placing a finger on the 10th fret of the 4th string, a finger on the 10th fret of the 5th string, and a finger on the 10th fret of the 6th string.
If you are having trouble using three different fingers, it is possible to curl your thumb around the top of the guitar neck and press down on all three strings at the same time and just slide your thumb up and down the neck of your guitar to play all four chords. See diagram below.
D |---------------------------------- (1st string)
A |---------------------------------- (2nd string)
F |---------------------------------- (3rd string)
E |-----∩----------------- (4th string)
G |-----| |--------------- (5th string)
C |-----| |--------------- (6th string)
.........| | < THUMB

I hope my explanation is clear.


idkk? this will help tho....:


There are bars on your guitar called frets. Each fret has a different number. For example, fret 5 is the fifth space down from the pegs of your guitar. This chart (called tabs) reads from the highest string down. So, to play the first chord on the guitar of this song, you would place you fingers down on the bottom three strings at the fifth fret.

k well i have NO clue wats goin on on the left side with your notes, it should read from top to bottom(EBGDAE)(string line up) so this is tab.....and the bottom line is the thickest string or ur low E, adn the highest line is ur thinest string or ur high E....soo u bar the top 3 string on the 5th fret, then open strum of the first 3 strings and bar the second fret and so on....Goodluck.

It's a de-tuned (down tuned) guitar with flat finger bar chords.

Very strange.

You have to tune the guitar down one whole step from normal tuning (from the bottom up: E -> D, B->A, G->F, D->E (this is tuned UP 1 tone not down), A->G, E->C this one is two tones or two steps down)

Then you bar fret 5 and strum the top 3 stings (top of the guitar, the low strings), lift (open) and strum, bar fret 2 and strum, move down to fret 10 and strum.

It's very strange.

first chord is: A, C#, F (A6th with a d -- d minor 7th)
Second chord is Cmajor
Third chord is: F#, A, D (D)
Fourth chrod is: D, F#, A# (can't figure this chord out, it's a tonic or dissontant, D major with a flatted 6th Bb with flatted 5th, what is this part of a diminished?)

This is very strange.

You can break that D string (thrid down from the top) by tuning it up a step.

What is this and why do it!

This almost seems like something Richie Havens would do.

He played using his first finger from the top of the guitar pointed down with his thumb on back.

Inverse from how you normally play a bar chord

Put your hand over the top and bar the top 3 strings with your first finger.

Strum the whole guitar.
