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Position:Home>Performing Arts> E sharp is the same as what other note on flute?

Question:F natural!! Please dont listen to anyone that says f flat! or D sharp!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: F natural!! Please dont listen to anyone that says f flat! or D sharp!

F flat

E sharp is the same as F flat. The sharp is up one note and the flat is down one note.

I guess that would be f flat

Well, I don't know if this helps, but on a piano e sharp is the same note as F.

E sharp = D flat

F flat

F (u go up one semi tone..picture a piano keyboard , it'll help)
ppl are saying it is F flat, but when u think about it, from F going DOWN one semi tone, you get to E (not E sharp!)

E sharp is always an F natural. It doesn't matter what instrument it is on.

Early flutes have been designed to make enharmonic distinctions between notes. In this particular case, E # is slightly lower than its corresponding F-flat.