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Question:what is a really good heavy metal distortion pedal for guitar. the price range i guess uhh..100-150 somethin around that.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: what is a really good heavy metal distortion pedal for guitar. the price range i guess uhh..100-150 somethin around that.

For heavy metal, I'd look right at the name of this pedal

-DigiTech XMM Metal Master Heavy Metal Distortion Pedal-

If you love metal, you have to get this pedal. It is customizable to any type of distortion for all those sub genres of metal. I played in a band for 4 years and wouldn't have gone to any gig without this pedal. i highly recommend it if you are into metal. especially for only 89 bucks. if you want proof then just go to this site too hear samples of this pedal in action.
Hope this helps!

the Boss MT-2

great for rhythm
and great for lead

i believe its one of the most widely bought distortions pedals

3. MXR
4. Electro Voice

if you like Yngwie Malsteem sound, buy a DOD..... I bought a few Boss but only becausd they were sold out on DOD. Much cheaper pedal.

Now for Heavy metal, but the HM Boss ... awesome and under $100.