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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Chord HELP please?

Question:Okay I don't get chords it shows u what strings to play which fret yes, but do u strum them all together or play em seperately ?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Okay I don't get chords it shows u what strings to play which fret yes, but do u strum them all together or play em seperately ?

a chord is a group of notes played together,so you play all the notes at the same time.there are many different types of chords like bar chords and power chords ect ,you play all the notes in these chords at the same time.

example a G chord has 3 notes you play them at the same time.

Play them together for now - after you get used to that you can learn to make beatiful music strumming them seperately.

Play them together. Usually from lowest to highest. Make sure your figers are on the correct frets and aren't hitting any strings they aren't supposed to.

Here are two sites that may be able to help you.... (click on the guitar, and then where it says chords, click on that, this site allows you to name the chord and then shows you how to make it.....good luck I hope that these help you. Some music will indicate which strings not to play buy placing an X on the string that is not to be played or to mute. I hope that this is helpful !!!!!!!!!

If you strum with a pick, you'll usually strum all the strings of the chord together. If you fingerpick, you'll usually play the notes of the chord one at a time in some kind of repeating pattern.