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Position:Home>Performing Arts> GUITARISTSSSS....How cool is this set up?

Question:I basically gutted my black mexican fender stratocaster and put in sheilded pots and a new switch, seymour duncan hot rails, vintage rails, and cool rails as my pickups (in that order), filled in the trem hole and put in a fixed bridge that you don't have to string through the body, and I have those string heads with the cutters built in so changing strings is a breeze. I kept the old white pickguard but I painted it dayglo green. I'm using a crate half stack right now and I think with this set up I can pretty much replicate any sound I need. It was kind of a b*tch setting up the bridge because it took many attempts and I finally had to break down and get a 64ths ruler.

Ok now I'm gonna ask a difficult question and know some people are gonna be upset, but I want to you to imagine this axe and let me know if you think it's cooler than a standard gibson les paul studio

Recommend any other mods/effects I should try? Right now I only use on amp effects. Really dig progrock.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I basically gutted my black mexican fender stratocaster and put in sheilded pots and a new switch, seymour duncan hot rails, vintage rails, and cool rails as my pickups (in that order), filled in the trem hole and put in a fixed bridge that you don't have to string through the body, and I have those string heads with the cutters built in so changing strings is a breeze. I kept the old white pickguard but I painted it dayglo green. I'm using a crate half stack right now and I think with this set up I can pretty much replicate any sound I need. It was kind of a b*tch setting up the bridge because it took many attempts and I finally had to break down and get a 64ths ruler.

Ok now I'm gonna ask a difficult question and know some people are gonna be upset, but I want to you to imagine this axe and let me know if you think it's cooler than a standard gibson les paul studio

Recommend any other mods/effects I should try? Right now I only use on amp effects. Really dig progrock.

Seems like a cool setup. I took the pickups out of my Yamaha Pacifica, set up like a fat strat (HSS), shielded the cavity and replaced the pickups with a hot rails, a vintage rail and a buckshot. Also put in a new 5 way and pots. The 5 way has the neck full, neck cut and the mid, both neck and bridge full, mid and bridge cut, and full bridge and it sounds pretty cool.

There are some cool multi effects boxes out there. Digitech and Zoom are the ones that come to mind first. You can do all kinds of modling with them.