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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Does black magic come back to the person who performed it?

Question:Or is there a punishment?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Or is there a punishment?

Whatever you put out into the world comes back. Like the law of physics - for every action, there's an equal, opposite reaction. That is, in space, if you push something away from you, you float away in the opposite direction.

So you know, Black Magic does not really exist. This is merely rituals left over from the dark ages. All rituals were to ease the living but truly did nothing.
Laws of physics only apply to this known universe black magic does not exist in this universe therefore no laws of science that we have apply to it.
People and society inhibit changes to the rituals and the beliefs surrounding them- often they try to use science to rationalize the otherwise illogical, such as, Black Magic and witchcraft.
Consider this, if black magic really did exist and work, don't ya think some of the worst dictators in history would have died from a spell someone had placed on them?
Don't forget also " People try to impose meaning to the otherwise meaningless."
ex We do our little ritual to make a girl fall in love with us. Two days later she ends up going out with someone else. We try to make the connection between the two thinking we did something wrong when we " Cast Our Spell" but in reality they would have ended up going out no matter if I did my ritual or not.
Don't even waste your time or money with this bull. Focus on reality.

Black Magic and Witchcraft are about as valid as the " Lucky Rabbit's Foot" or the " Four Leaf Clover" in bringing good luck to you.

Also remember witchcraft states " whatever you put out unto the world will come back ten fold"
However, in pysics we know the recoil cannot be greater than the force applied to the object.
Force comes from stored energy, so I am wondering then. If I use Black magic to make someone fall down the steps. I guess the energy was stored inside my head and " M-A-G-I-C-A-L-L-Y " I sent this force out to knock them down the stairs. Uh-huh.
Yea, and an eclipse is when the Gods are angered at us and have taken the light away until we make an offering to them.
"Is there a punishment?" Yea there is, They'll put you on trial for Witchery.