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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What are some tips for the clarinet?

Question:I am playing tonight. What are some tips for clarinets and myself .

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am playing tonight. What are some tips for clarinets and myself .

1) Chose your reed before you go on stage and have spares broken in just in case.
2) Make sure your Clarinet is in order. There is nothing more frustrating than a leaky pad and a high squeak in a performance!
3) Do proper warm up! Not just 3 notes and your done type of thing. This allows you to fully concentrate on the performanace without injury afterwards

4) Dont eat anything heavy before the concert. Have a solid lunch and leave dinner till after the concert if you can.

Good luck

Are you asking for performance tips?

If you're referring to performance tips...
1. The tips from the first answer are good.
2. Keep a bottle of water and your swab with you. I can only assume this is a concert performance, so for every 30 minutes of playing, swab out your clarinet (just the body) to collect the condensation and prevent you from "gurgling" when you play>
3. Remember to breathe from your diaphragm, hold your clarinet at the proper angle, and make sure to use the right embouchure the entire time you're playing, or the sound will go downhill as the performance draws to a close.

Just remember your fundamentals, take a deep breath, and just play. Trust your fingers, don't think--just play.

All of the tips above are very good.

Another useful thing to do before hand, if you haven't already done this, is to go through your music and mark out things to remember - eg breathing

It is very important to breath in the right places when playing the clarinet. Marking out where you should will prevent you stopping to gulp because you've forgotten to breath :P

Remember to act professional and if you squeak - don't stress and move on!

Good luck :)