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Question:do you think anyone would by a fake ibanez guitar for a decent amount of money even though it looks good and plays nicely? i'm in need of some cash and i'm not sure that i can get rid of this. it's a pretty solid guitar but you can tell by the neck that it's fake. i was thinking all the different parts are probably worth at least $150, but obviously people are turned off by fakes.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: do you think anyone would by a fake ibanez guitar for a decent amount of money even though it looks good and plays nicely? i'm in need of some cash and i'm not sure that i can get rid of this. it's a pretty solid guitar but you can tell by the neck that it's fake. i was thinking all the different parts are probably worth at least $150, but obviously people are turned off by fakes.

I'm not sure I understand what you mean by "fake"? You mean its actually made by somebody else -- a lesser manufacturer -- but labeled "Ibanez"?

I think if you're honest about it -- tell people its an imitation of an Ibanez -- but that its in good condition, it looks good and plays well -- you probably could sell it pretty readily on E-bay. A lot of people who are in the market for a less expensive guitar don't really care about labels and brands, they just want a decent playing, good sounding guitar that won't fall apart in a week or cost them a lot of money.

Put it up on E-bay and see what happens.....

I think some people would appreciate any kind of guitar.

I'm sure that people who don't know much about that brand of guitar, or those who didn't do their research would buy it. BUT I wouldn't scam someone - you know it's wrong - but it's your choice.

Throw it up on E-Bay and tell them that it's a fake. Is it a foreign import?

Yeah, you can sell it. If everything works then why not? Most peoples first guitar is some cheap knock-off. It could be the start of a great career.

Well I don't think you could get $150 depending how much you used it and what condition it is, but I would just tell them who ever your selling to that the neck is fake or whatever, but the other parts are real and its a solid guitar that plays really well and that they will really enjoy it, but don't sell to a person who knows what they are doing they will just laugh at you, because they know its a piece of junk not worth it. So try to sell it for $100, I think that is the most you would get out of it.