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Question:alto clef?

I know how to play the piano, but I don't know how to read piano music. I can only take a sheet of music meant for the violas and play it on the piano.

How can I learn how to read the treble clef?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: alto clef?

I know how to play the piano, but I don't know how to read piano music. I can only take a sheet of music meant for the violas and play it on the piano.

How can I learn how to read the treble clef?

Well, you can get a theory book and relearn the clef for treble clef..
Or, you could try practicing thinking in treble clef by taking some of your alto clef music and rewriting it in treble clef...
It shouldn't be terribly difficult to learn to read in a different clef if you have a good musical foundation..
On the alto clef, the middle line (where hte b is) is middle C, and on treble clef, Middle c is the ledger line below the first line, and on bass clef it is the ledger line above the top line. So, if you take a piece manuscript that has treble/bass clef on it, in the space between them, there is b, middle c, and e. if you want to think of your alto clef there, that might help, like with the middle of the alto clef right where the ledger line above the bass clef/below the treble clef.
I hope that helped...

take piano lessons... the treble AND base clef are seperate, learn the music notes on the staff and how they corrolate w/ keys.

You can buy a book that teaches how to play the piano. The Hal Leonard series is pretty good. Or you can also check out your local public library.