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Question:i really want to start playing piano. i am planning to start up guitar lessons again while teaching myself to play piano at the same time. that being said, can anyone tell me if teaching yourself how to play piano is easy or difficult? any helpful advice?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i really want to start playing piano. i am planning to start up guitar lessons again while teaching myself to play piano at the same time. that being said, can anyone tell me if teaching yourself how to play piano is easy or difficult? any helpful advice?

i literally just started like 2 weeks ago.
it's not hard for me cause i play flute already
and i know all the notes.
just learning to play with the left hand and right hand with 2 different parts is hard
start of with really easy stuff.
if you don't know how to read notes learn that first
andd learn or write the notes on your piano/keyboard
til you remember them:}

It is possible and easy to do that alone. I learned playing piano while i was playing and still learning guitar. However u still need sometimes help from other people. I play almost all instruments but i can play good only guitar and piano cos i had some advice from others but the other instruments i am not very good cos i learned only myslef.

Hello there! I took a beginner piano course this semester. I basically learned how to play on my own. The Instructor was there to give me advice on what I needed to practice and to make sure I didn't give up... you want to know all I did?

I used a beginner book and started at the very first page. Some beginner books have exercises to do to get started. You begin with rhythm and what to call the notes, as well as where to place your fingers on the keys. I has one official "lesson" a day and practiced very little throughout the week and I was able to play "Spring" by Vivaldi by week 14. With determination, you can do it! Good Luck!

If you left handed finding a left handed Guitar is easy
But a left handed Piano is impossible plus you will never find a capo for the Piano.

I have not played or touched a keyboard before. Two months ago I bought a cheap 61 key board - just in case it wasn't for me. I bought two setlf teaching lessons. Bastiens for older begininers, and Hal Leonards Play Piano Today.

I really work the two together, Hal gives great detailed information, while Bastien's is a better teaching. Hal has CD to practice with.
Today i consider myself at level 2, probably midway level 2.
I am only playing since mid October this year. I hope by summer or fall to be able to play reasonably well Blues, Gospel.
I plan to get a Yamaha keyboard over the summer - I know now I have a passion for this - determination is not even an issue. I practice daily about two hours.
Don't do what I did at first. Play at a speed where you are playing some then stopping ..them playing then stopping. Wrong !!
Play at a low speed so that you can play through all the way. I started really slow, about 70 beats per minute, today slow for me is about 110 beats per minute but I can play faster if necessary. And I do play all of my practice songs at different speeds to avoid becoming automatic ( where you just respond and stop learning).
I have jacked up my simple songs as fast as 180 beats, just so that my mind and hands learn to work together.

I'd suggest going to musician's friend for you keyboard.
I use sheet music plus for all my sheet music at my level, and learning books .. you can even get DVDs to help you too. And I love youtube for free advice from others, including sample songs they play.
You can teach yourself and it really is not hard, in my opinion. Oh and I am 46 years old and just started learning for the first time so I'm sure you can do it too...

study everything u learn... i took piano lessons for 4 years and im still taking them. just make sure you learn all the basics...its hard at first but it gets easy