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Would anyone know a good site that would offer lessons (Free or not doesn't matter) in Sweep Picking, Speed Building, and Classical Guitar playing?
I'd be really happy to find out.
Thank you.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Hello.

Would anyone know a good site that would offer lessons (Free or not doesn't matter) in Sweep Picking, Speed Building, and Classical Guitar playing?
I'd be really happy to find out.
Thank you.

I mostly play classical these days. Most will tell you to get a good teacher, and I agree. I have a 38-year reservoir of technical errors to overcome once I get a teacher--which I will when my daughter gets a bit older and I have time.
As far as technique, if you're going to go it alone, the Aaron Shearer books get high marks from players, though it is not intended as a self-instruction book. I started with "Solo Guitar Playing" by Frederick Noad, which was pretty good for getting me up and going. Once you can read a bit, I'd try working through the RCM graded repertoire and studies books, which introduced me to some fine contemporary composers (mostly Canadian, as are the books).
As far as sweep picking and speed building, I'd contact Jack Zucker (a jazz player with chops to burn) and get "Sheets of Sound for Guitar":


if you use google to find some, im sure you'd do fine

If I were you, I would order Rock Discipline by John Petrucci. It's a great instructional DVD that covers a lot of essential technique building, and there are a lot of exercises to cover and build on. It's definately great value for money, and your playing is bound to improve
Good luck

As a guitar player myself, but quite advanced actually. Go on you tube and check out Frank Gambale. You will see his videos and lessons for free. Also, Paul Gilbert. At least, you will hear and see visually every note that they are playing.