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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Last hope 'elp! can anyone give me any information on the activation of the

Question:in dance, theatre meditation everyone bangs on about the 'centre' although there is no medical science to prove it exists I was hoping that one of you braniacs could push me in the right direction towards a clearly defined explanation perhaps some links or even other ways the centre is or could be interpreted other than imaginary! I know right but please help! Last hope

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: in dance, theatre meditation everyone bangs on about the 'centre' although there is no medical science to prove it exists I was hoping that one of you braniacs could push me in the right direction towards a clearly defined explanation perhaps some links or even other ways the centre is or could be interpreted other than imaginary! I know right but please help! Last hope

The centre in dance is not imaginary. It is the centre of gravity, or the centre of balance. The metaphor fits into theater as a feeling of balance and calm at ones centre, or in your gut, to be more specific. So, try standing with your body very calm and still, then calm your breathing. With your body and breathing calm you may notice you mind is racing, distracted, caffinatied, etc. With time and patience this too can be calmed, so that one is calm, centred and balanced not only physically (in the body) but mentally and emotionally as well. This centre-ing allows one to better focus on the task at hand, be it dancing, acting, etc. Good luck!

I'm glad you like my answer because I had a couple of thoughts on your centre question and didn't want to answer twice. In the music I play we sometimes get what we call "in the pocket." This is a zone where everyone is really jamming, feeling good, when everything is flowing and the sense of struggle (which is sometimes present in music making) is gone. I think athletes call it "in the zone." So, zone, pocket, centre, are all about the same thing.

The two thoughts were 1) that defining it clearly, identifying it scientifically isn't possible because it's essentially a metaphor. It corresponds with a dancer being centred and balanced, but it is actually a mental/emotional feeling. The thing about metaphors is that one is often as good as another, so you can come up with your own. Another way to describe the centre is as a clear-ness. What I'm getting at is that it is a subjective or even mystical state, which makes it harder to pin down. And 2), it could be that you haven't experienced it, which makes it harder to grasp. On this point I have no advice, as it isn't a state that I can conjure up, but is something that just happens when I'm jamming with like-minded people and the jam really gets going. Being clearly focused on your creative art seems to help bring it around. Visual artists also talk about a similar thing and they go into it in detail in a book called "Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain." Their website;

But, also, it's not some Earth-shattering revalation. Just a good feeling of doing your thing without any worries, etc.


by yerfavor...This user's answer to your question is absolutely correct. trust me you need look no further for a better understanding to your Q.