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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Is this a good starter acoustic guitar?


the black one

my brother really wants a guitar and this seems like a good birthday present

my bros 9 years old and he trys play my old acoustic that belonged to my grandma(you laugh i kill)

and i really wanna teach him

It really helped me learn how to play and I really dont wanna give that old junk to him

so is this "DEAN" worth the money

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the black one

my brother really wants a guitar and this seems like a good birthday present

my bros 9 years old and he trys play my old acoustic that belonged to my grandma(you laugh i kill)

and i really wanna teach him

It really helped me learn how to play and I really dont wanna give that old junk to him

so is this "DEAN" worth the money

You can't tell by looking, you have to play it. I went picking out acoustical guitars for my niece and had to wade through quite a few. For example Fender had several in her price range, but only 2 had the sound and playability that made it worth the cost.

If it has good action and tone quality--there you go.

Dean makes good guitars. That one should be good. Why not a full size guitar?

Try taking your brother to the music store let him play all the guitars that are in the price range you wish to spend. That way you can be sure he gets one that he likes and that he thinks sounds good.