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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Learning to play guitar...?

Question:I want to learn how to play guitar, Can anyone show me a picture or video of the notes, chords, etc...? 10 points for the best answer....

Btw, my brother can help me out with stuff too.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I want to learn how to play guitar, Can anyone show me a picture or video of the notes, chords, etc...? 10 points for the best answer....

Btw, my brother can help me out with stuff too.

A good place to start...

I never actually tried to teach myself all the things a good guitarist should know, I just picked up my dad's guitar one day, and played from a tab. I just got good and now I play very well. I can't name any chords at all except for like C G A haha

1st Step: Obtain one...(a guitar

2nd Step: Pick it up every damn day...

3rd Step: Pick a song you like, memorize the song in your head so you can hum it accurately...and then translate the hum in your head to the notes on the guitar...once you have the can get the chords...have a beginners guitar lesson book by your side...and Wah Lah!

Rock on...

I am a HUGE fan of chordie... you should check them out
it's a good way to find music that you want to play.. which actually makes it easier/more fun and it's free! they have a printable diagram that you can get that shows all the chords and variations... also, they have video tutorials! check them out