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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Can anyone recommend some good online guitar lessons?

Question:I've had a bass guitar and acoustic for a long time, but never really taken the time to learn. I want to learn acoustic, but need lessons at my disposal for whenever I find time to practice. I saw that Sam Ash has some available, any suggestions?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've had a bass guitar and acoustic for a long time, but never really taken the time to learn. I want to learn acoustic, but need lessons at my disposal for whenever I find time to practice. I saw that Sam Ash has some available, any suggestions?

In my estimation, any source is just about as good as any other.

However, as a beginner, I'd urge you to get at least a few live lessons to start. The online tutorials--or the books/cds/dvds--won't be able to look at you and tell you if your fingers or hands are slightly out of place. That may seem like a little thing, but if you habituate errors in your technique, then you may wind up with serious limitations, or even repetitive motion injuries. I had a friend--a self-taught guitarist--who wound up getting carpal tunnel surgery on both wrists last summer. Don't go that way!

About a dozen lessons from a good teacher should set you up properly. After that, you can study on your own. I'd recommend, in addition to web sites, shopping for used books, cds, and dvds at used booksellers or on ebay--if you buy something and it's too difficult for you, just put it aside for a time and then see if you've caught up with it.

One other tip for a beginner--you make lots more progress if you practice several short times daily rather than one long time. Four 10-minute sessions will get you further than one 1-hour session. When I learn to play a new instrument, I put it somewhere where I will be reminded to pick it up and work on it often. After a time, you learn more and develop more stamina, and then you extend the time for practices and start to reduce their number, until you are doing an hour or more at a stretch.

The best I've seen are jamorama. Great lessons. There is a learn bass guitar site that is good. Videos and links to learn bass guitar podcasts.