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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Which is easier to sing, a slow song or a fast song?

Question:I am a wonderful singer but I sing slow songs like Frank Sinatra very well but fast dance tunes are hard for me to sing. Does it mean I am not a true talent for not being versatile?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am a wonderful singer but I sing slow songs like Frank Sinatra very well but fast dance tunes are hard for me to sing. Does it mean I am not a true talent for not being versatile?

Both fast and slow songs require different elements of technique. Slower songs require breath control in order to sustain longer notes, where as faster songs require crisp diction and ability to hit notes on pitch at a fast pace.

If you're having trouble with faster songs:
1) You probably aren't breathing correctly. Breath control is actually important no matter what tempo the song is. Breathe deep from your lower abdomen - you should feel the sides of you waist and lower back expand if you take a correct breath. Once they are expanded, keep them there - do not let yourself collapse. That expansion will allow you to get your diction out. Diction is the pronunciation of words - consonants are very important in fast songs and in order to give a lot of sound on the consonants you need to use a lot of air! Exaggerate your words. You will think you sound strange, but people will understand you better.
2) Your pitch probably isn't focused. When people sing faster they tend to ignore the proper control of their sound, causing them to go under pitch and sound weak. Always visualize where your sound is going. Be sure to keep your air spinning in a forward direction so that the sound can propagate. And remember to always reach for higher pitches than you actually need to hit. This will ensure that you don't go flat.
3) Another important aspect to singing fast songs is sort of a no brainer, but people over-look it. Be sure to be INTO the song. If you aren't feeling the beat or conveying the spirit of the song, your performance is going to be very poor and shakey.

Speak with a vocal coach if you have additional concerns. But you original question is: all tempos are equally and differently challenging.

That's interesting, because for most, slow is harder.

Perhaps you need to find some diction drills to make it easier to spit out the lyrics?

i sing better in romantic song, when it comes to fast it sucks 2

Well I glad to hear that your a "Wonderful singer" lol. Fast songs require better breathing tychne and dictation. Slow are more controlled. IT just means that you have to work ,work,,work!!!