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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Who else wants a banjo for christmas?

Question:I am wanting a banjo for Christmas. (I know, I'm selfish, I want something) Who else has a love for the banjo sound?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am wanting a banjo for Christmas. (I know, I'm selfish, I want something) Who else has a love for the banjo sound?

I would actually like about three four string banjos. I would like to tune one to C - G - D - A like a Mandola or a Bouzuki. The second one, I would tune the same as a tenor guitar, D - G - B - E, and the third I would tune like a Ukulele. I already have a couple of five string banjos, but I keep one at school. The other one hangs up on my wall so it's ready to play anytime I am. I have a couple of Banjolins as well. They are basically flatback mandolins with a banjo head on them. Very handy to have around.

the banjo is cool.

Banjo is awesome. My brother plays one, and my husband plays bass. When we get together at Christmas, the whole family sits around pickin'. It's cool.

You're not the only one. I won the "wife of the year" award a couple of years ago for buying my husband a really nice 5-string banjo from a local music store. He's really good: has won national awards for his music and been recorded a couple of times. He has about a dozen of 5-string banjos but has recently become infatuated with the banjo/ukelele . It's hard to imagine but the banjo/uke is even more chipper than the banjo itself. He owns two right now and is expecting his third any day now. They're four-string, about the size of a banjo/mandolin, and pretty cute.