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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do I play the chord F9 on guitar?

Question:If you can't give me link can you tell me the fingering
(like what string and frets I should put my finger on).

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: If you can't give me link can you tell me the fingering
(like what string and frets I should put my finger on).

A "real" F9 is F, A, C, Eb, G. (Adding a G to an F7) So low to high it's: 1, 3, 1, 2, 1, 3. A barre F7 adding the high G with your little finger. In guitar music though, usually you can just play an "Fadd9" which just adds the 9th (a G in this case) to the major chord. So just play an F and add the G to it with your little finger on the high E string 3rd fret.

PJH is right about the F barre chord adding the G.Here are a couple of sites that have a decent free chord finder with
multiple variations of each chord that you look up,Peace and keep jamming.

Both sites have other features that you may find useful,later

A blues style F9 would be played at the 8th fret. From the low E string.


Don't play the low E.
2nd finger on 8th fret on the A string ,
1st finger on 7th fret on the D string
3rd finger on 8th fret on the G string.
3rd finger on 8th fret on the B string
3rd finger on 8th fret on the Hi E string