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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Drum major help?

Question:So i'm going to be trying out for my marching band's drum major next year and i've been practicing a lot. I have pretty good technique and I've improved my leadership skills. the thing i really need help with is keeping a steady beat. i've been practicing with music on my iPod but is there any way for me to learn how to keep a tempo in my head?
Also, how do i know if i'm in the tempo? like if i'm not speeding up or dragging?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: So i'm going to be trying out for my marching band's drum major next year and i've been practicing a lot. I have pretty good technique and I've improved my leadership skills. the thing i really need help with is keeping a steady beat. i've been practicing with music on my iPod but is there any way for me to learn how to keep a tempo in my head?
Also, how do i know if i'm in the tempo? like if i'm not speeding up or dragging?

Some things I do when conducting is count out loud to myself. If you're in a marching band, no one is going to hear you counting to yourself. Other things could be physically marking time while you're conducting.
As a drum major, YOU are the one who sets the tempo. The marchers should be at your tempo, you shouldn't have to worry about keeping up with them. That is not often the case, but that's how it should be. You must be confident and secure in your tempo-keeping abilities, so many times if the band is not with you, larger gestures, especially for beat one, give the ensemble the clue that they are out of sync with you.
Another way you can tell is watch where your hands come down at the ictus point. Your ictus point is where the beat is, so if it doesn't match the ensemble, there's your answer.

Lastly, practicing the music enough with a metronome, it will become second nature to you. Muscle memory will take over and you don't even have to think about it.


just practice with one of those things that goes tick tock i think its a metro scale or smething and listen to the music and put it on right speed and just practice beat

practice with a metronome u should be able to hear what is going fast or slowing down

Buy a Metronome. That is exactly what they are made for. To help you keep your timing tight, in sync and super sharp...=)
QUIKTUNE has great ones at. they are only like $20 and well worht it. I'm a drummer of 20 me on this.
Also, watch the movie "DRUMLINE" for more Marching Corp inspiration....=)

Keep on drumming!!

use a metronome, online or an electric one, and start off with it, then have someone mute it, and then after a while, un-mute it and see if you're still on beat.