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Question:i have played the flue for 3 years,and i want to get a new armstrong a good kind?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i have played the flue for 3 years,and i want to get a new armstrong a good kind?

Yeah. I have a vintage Selmer-Bundy. I personally prefer Selmer-Bundy over any other instrument company.

Armstrong makes good brands for beginning flutes, not for step-ups. You need a quality intermediate flute--talk to your band director/lessons instructor/music shop for good brand recommendations. I've always been a fan of Yamaha and Gemeindhart(sp?) flutes, but, brands are a personal preference.
Once you get a list of recommended brands, contact that local brand rep. and ask about testing flutes. You should always test out the flute first and good companies will let you do so. Testing will let you see if you like the flute and if it works well for what you want.
Another thing to consider--closed hole vs. open hole flutes, in-line/not in-line G's, B foot, etc. Many step-up brands offer these accessories, so be ready to test them out!

Good luck!

Prob not good for a beginner step up Flute! I would go Yamaha, Gemeinhart or Jupiter! Best thing is to go to a specialist music store and try.. If you try an armstrong and fall in love with the sound then go for it! Ask your Flute teacher too they are usually the best judge of your sound and playing ability!