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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Practicing violin. help!?

Question:this is my third yr playing violin. i am pretty good but i need practice so i can hopefully move up a chair or two. what are some good ways to practice so i can get better? i've thought of playing the song backwards. i heard that really helps.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: this is my third yr playing violin. i am pretty good but i need practice so i can hopefully move up a chair or two. what are some good ways to practice so i can get better? i've thought of playing the song backwards. i heard that really helps.

Practise is about repeating the parts you cannot play correctly. Many of my students practise what they already know because it sounds better, gives them a buzz and is easier. Unfortunately, whilst it is not a bad thing to enjoy what has been learnt, more time must be spent on what you cannot play properly if you are to progress.

Scales and exercises are thoroughly boring but do assist in the long run. Try these at the beginning and end of your practise session.

Remember to start anything you are not sure of slowly. Don't try to run before you can walk. Repeat small sections that you have difficulty with until you hear improvement. Improvement occurs in minuscule amounts and it's sometimes hard to measure oneself until suddenly, after dozens of repeats, it comes to you.

If you get stuck or frustrated with a particular passage leave it for a while, try something else, then come back to it.

Slowly put improved parts together. Never try to learn a new piece from beginning to end in one go. Break it up into sections. Look for recurring/repeated sections.

Most of all keep at it. Don't give up.

i play the violin too.... hmm... i think that you should just play the music over and over. BEfore you know it, you will have the song memorized. WHen you do, you will be able to pay more attention to being in tune, vibratto, and bow techniques. i hope that helped! lol

Find a private teacher; even if you only take lessons for a few months, they will be able to evaluate you and give you recommendations of books to buy.

And quit calling violin pieces "songs."