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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What kind of guitar would I need to play this?

Question:What kind of guitar would I need to play this and roughly how much would one cost?

Is it possible to teach myself? See this link: These are the songs I want to play.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What kind of guitar would I need to play this and roughly how much would one cost?

Is it possible to teach myself? See this link: These are the songs I want to play.

You would play this on an acoustic guitar. You can get a good cheap acoustic starting about £100 ($200) Any cheaper than that might not have a good sound and could put you off learning - so I would recommend a decent acoustic steel-strung guitar, one that isn't cheap but not too expensive either.

I taught myself years ago and I didn't find it too hard. Theres videos and books and magazines that will help you learn the guitar - stick with it (even when your fingers hurt!) and you will be able to strum simple tunes in about 2 weeks. Soon you'll be playing along to the radio and your cd's. In a years time you should be able to knock out a lot of good stuff in different playing styles.

Have fun and best of luck!!!

p.s. .. the tune in your link would be a bit tricky even for a moderately skilled player. It uses a different tuning (the pitch of each string) than normal. Normal tuning is e,a,d,g,b,e. But it's achievable if you persevere. Could take a few months to get it right, tho. Good luck.

You could play this on any guitar out there. Yes you can teach yourself to play, just as I did. There are a lot of beginners can get at most music stores. First learn the basic cords, C,G,D&F. Then go on to learn the magors and minors.and bar cords. The real music comes from the picking more so than the cords. You will also have to learn how to transpose cords. It's a lot of work learning to play, but gets easer with time. Practice, Practice, and Practice some more. If you have an ear for music you will know when you are playing it right. You can also learn faster by getting with others and playing, have a jam session.