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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Mimes. Whats the point. "Street statues" too for that matter.?

Question:Mime, in my opinion, is rubbish.
Second only to "Street statues".

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Mime, in my opinion, is rubbish.
Second only to "Street statues".

I love them.
They define culture.
Learn about Marceau Marcel and you will appreciate the art more. :)

There isn't any point at all except that they are people who do something vaguely artistic to get money from people in the streets, rather than just sit and beg.

I had never acutally seen any untill i went on holiday to spain and i loved it they didn't pester me for money like the usual big issue sellers or try to get me to sign up for some lame magazine as they do on my street!
I thought it was very cultured and i liked them, it makes life that little bit more fun and intresting.

Like almost everything, there is no point. But mimes scare childeren.

They're artists and they're fun. You should go to Barcelona and see them there!