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Question:I'm thirteen. i was wondering how far back resumes should date back. right now mine dates back to i think 2003, is that too old? if so, what should i delete, what should i keep? thanks!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm thirteen. i was wondering how far back resumes should date back. right now mine dates back to i think 2003, is that too old? if so, what should i delete, what should i keep? thanks!

It depends. If the job done in 2003 is relevant to the job the person is applying for then it should be included. If it is unrelated then it could probably be left out if there is information closer to the current date. Or more relevant things.

You're kind of young to be working on a resume. Well anyway. If you Google how to do a chronological resume it will tell you how to put all of your work history, experience, skills, etc. on your resume. I know this because someone helped me. Good luck!

you can keep old things in a starting resume

You want the most current and impressive professional stuff first.