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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How can I get motivated to play my guitar?

Question:This is something I really want to do. I love music. I've loved music since I was first brought into this world (in other words, since I was born). What are some good ways to keep myself motivated? I have already written some songs that I plan to show my parents (who are not supportive at all whatsoever) and my teacher. (who is 100% focused on finding a good career and hobby for me) And I set a goal for myself to practice for at least 30 minutes on weekdays after school.
What else can I do? Any suggestions? This is greatly appreciated. Thank you all so much.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This is something I really want to do. I love music. I've loved music since I was first brought into this world (in other words, since I was born). What are some good ways to keep myself motivated? I have already written some songs that I plan to show my parents (who are not supportive at all whatsoever) and my teacher. (who is 100% focused on finding a good career and hobby for me) And I set a goal for myself to practice for at least 30 minutes on weekdays after school.
What else can I do? Any suggestions? This is greatly appreciated. Thank you all so much.

Honestly, motivation is something that has to come from within. If someone else tells you how to get motivated, odds are good that it won't stick.

If you have the desire - if it is truly something that you REALLY want to do, you will do it. Don't worry about who is and who is not supportive - your parents are probably worried about your future financial stability, not your dreams. That's part of being a parent.

Write and play for yourself, because you want to. If you really need external motivation, set more goals for yourself. Get your friends to help - play songs for them, and so forth.

Obviously you don't like it that much

play guitar hero

Taking lessons helps with motivation and guidance. You learn faster and your progress will encourage you to work harder.

Listen to recordings of really good guitar music; maybe that will help inspire you to keep at it. Have fun while you practice.

just say: " i wanna be just like Hannah Montana, i wanna be just like Hannah Montana!"

Drink a fifth of Jim Beam every night after school. After you finish the last drop, you should be motivated enough to do anything. Good luck dear!

get a small jam session with other musicians of like mind....make a set in stone appt for yourself such as from "2-3pm I practice guitar on monday,wed,fri, dont let yourself change'll become enjoyable, I do that with working out, I force myself and then it's done....(could it be you may not really like guitar too???)

How about rewarding yourself? For example: Tell yourself, if i play for 30 minutes everday this week, I'll allow myself to get Coldstone.

You dont have to get Coldstone lol but just something that you enjoy alot. So, then you'll want to practice your guitar because you know you'll be rewarded by something you love.

Hope that helped!

Tell yourself i have to play the guitar or i cant leave my room. Or i cant eat unless i play. Its hard for me to do the same thing with my trumpet.

I really stay enthusiastic with new tab of stuff I like. I like to buy a new tab book a month. Well, that's the way it used to be and I could play for hours a day. Now my relationship is more important and takes up my time(to be honest). But that was what I used to do. My sheet music library is enormous.

Could it be the wrong instrument for you? Even if it is, learn it anyway. I went thru that when I was a kid. I liked the piano better. So I ended up learning both.

find songs with techniques you want to learn and enjoy playing. if you really love music that much it wouldnt take people making you or you having to find new things.

Well, that's too bad your parents aren't supportive. They'll come around once they see how well you can play.
When you're feeling lazy, just think to yourself "I might as well be playing/practicing,..because what else would I be doing." You could also throw on some music or a certain song that is the most inspiring to you, listen close, take it all in, and you will be ready.
Taking the time to learn an instrument is so much more worth while than so many other things that are pretty much a waste of time, Like watching the tube all kudos to you, and keep practicing

u eithere like it or u dont and it seems like ur forced to play it and u dont like it.

First of all do you really want to play the guitar? It's a big commentment if you honestly have the desire to learn. Like any instrument, the guitar takes alot of time and practice. There is a labor of love in learning to play. When you first start your fingers will hurt. You will have trouble making chords with your fingers. Then there is the practice, practice, practice, and more practice. Buy yourself a cheap quality guitar to start out with. Then in a year or two if your still playing you can buy something better. If your not then you don't have an expensive guitar sitting in your closet collecting dust..... just a starter model. So it's really up to you!!! Please keep in mind that it's not going to be easy. Good luck!

Go see the movie AUGUST RUSH and buy the soundtrack too; it will inspire you ... honest ...

I began playing guitar 45 years ago. I love it. But, I, too, suffered at times from lack of motivation. It always helped me to be in a band and we'd practice to gether or they would count on me to learn a certain song. So. I've gone back and forth on motovation but I' never gotten away too long. If you really want won't leave it alone for long. One thing that helps is that I have several guitars and bass guitars and each one has a stand. I put them around the house so that no matter where I am there's a guitar not far away, Even the bathroom.

you shouldn't have to motivate yourself to play guitar. If you do it means that your probably doing it for all the wrong reasons. Trust me all kids get that crazy idea into their heads that when they get older they won't work at all and it will be easy when their famous rock stars. Think again.

Find songs you like and learn to play them. Try sticking with a particular style and focus on that to start.
Playing along with the music helps.

You won't always feel in the mood for it but remember that the better you become the more you'll want to play.