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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What is your hidden talent?

Question:Is there something that you do very well? Is it something strange? What is your hidden talent?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is there something that you do very well? Is it something strange? What is your hidden talent?

On the outside I look like an average guy. I am below average height.
What people don't know is that I am a grade 8 singer and I am a very good actor. I am playing Romeo at the moment.

wel , ahh tennis

no hidden talent but i can compose marhcing band shows
play drums
piano and guitar
i can block the sound from people that r talkign to me so i don't hear anything

its not hidden but I am quite talented at putting my foot in my mouth as I like to say what is on my mind....and it can put me at odds with others.

if i have the words in front of me, and a confident singer who knows the song well, i can sing along perfectly to a song i've never heard of before as if i know the song well, and i can do that while matching the other singer's volume

I can blush on command.

Even if the notation I have made from some melody I have heard by ear is incorrect in terms of music theory, I can get the melody stuck in my head so that I can play it correctly despite of the errors in my self-made sheet music!!!!

My hidden talent is that I think WAY too much! I know that sounds crazy, but if I have a problem, i won't be able to stop thinking about it. I guess it is a talent because my friends can count on me to take their problems seriously and help them out. I guess it is a good thing because I want to be a physiologist and help people out. :)

I can jump really high and it is fun!