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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do I get rid of the buzzing sound I produce when I blow into my flute?

Question:When I blow into my flute to create a sound, I always get this buzzing sound that's highly irritating. I dunno whether it's because my embouchre is wrong or it's because I'm blowing too hard or stuff. I really have no idea and it's frustrating me..

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: When I blow into my flute to create a sound, I always get this buzzing sound that's highly irritating. I dunno whether it's because my embouchre is wrong or it's because I'm blowing too hard or stuff. I really have no idea and it's frustrating me..

Relax your embouchure. Relax your entire body actually. But if you are tensing your lips it makes for airy tone.

Whoever said to tighten your lips is absolutely wrong. This can result in pinching the tone, which is worse than what you are already doing. When you go into the high register this can actually result in your lips buzzing against each other. So remember-relax your body, especially your face and embouchure, as much as you can.

However, it can take years to get good tone. Don't be surprised if you can't fix it right away. Work on other skills as well.

I knew someone who resolved this very problem when we were at Band Camp...

Are your lips tight enough when you blow? In case they are not, it might be causing the buzzing sound. Also remember NOT to activate your throat while blowing, so that you are NOT kind of "singing" into the instrument!

your lips are probably very tight. there is a girl in my flute class like this and my teacher continuously tells her to relax her embouchure. a flute player needs to have very relaxed lips to create a good tone. the lower lip needs to be able to roll slightly in and out to direct the air stream needed for high register and low register notes. this is usually compared to pouting, but not as drastic.

best of luck

It coulde be a couple of things Firstly your embouchure. You mayneed to relax your embouchure and your throat! Flute players need to have open throats Otherwise the air gets constricted! You should be able to feel cold air on the back of your throat when you breathe in like when you yawn. To relax your embouchure get some bubble mixture and blow some bubbles! This works a treat with my students

It could also be your flute! Is it just one note? or all of them? Close of all your pads/ holes including the end and blow through each piece if the flute! If you hear air escaping then you might have a leacky pad!

Probably the best thing to do is ask your Flute teacher! There is a definite disadvantage to her in that we cant really see your playing or your flute! Makes it hard to diagonsie problems! Even just having one lesson from a Good luck though it is a very cool instrument to play once you get the hang of it!