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Question:i really want to get a guitar, and learn, but is it fun? or is it really really hard?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i really want to get a guitar, and learn, but is it fun? or is it really really hard?

It's been my life....but is it hard to learn, yes, very, especially classical, that's what I play....but is it worth it....I'll say ....I've loved it since I was about nine years old. I promise you'll never be bored. Go for it, I guarantee you won't be sorry !!!!!!!!!

It's fun if you know how to play. It's hard, and if you have delicate fingers, you tend to cut them while learning. After a few weeks you will have callused finger tips, and it won't hurt anymore. Good Luck.

its very fun

its fun but it's hard

It becomes more fun once you learn the fundamentals and get your callouses up

Both. As with the pursuit of anything rewarding, there's a lot of hard work, but there is a lot of payoff. It's rewarding to be able to play through a song or two you know really well and love, and have it sound good, and know that is you totally playing that, writing an especailly awesome riff or two, and playing something a batch of people enjoy. The harder you work, the farther you push yourself, the more it will pay off for you in the end.

Yes, its fun. But its not easy. Somebody said once that the guitar is one of the easiest instruments in the world to play really badly and one of the hardest to play really, really well. But just because something is hard doesn't mean its not fun and worthwhile.

If you expect to pick up a guitar and play on stage in a band with your friends in a month, you're going to be disappointed. Figure on it taking a good 6 months to a year to be able to play basic chords and strum along in time to simple 3-chord rock, folk, or country songs. If you want to play more complicated songs, or learn to play lead guitar where you can improvise and play lead solos by ear, figure on it taking several years at least.

Learning to play guitar is a life-long journey, not a destination. No matter how good you might get, you will always be aware that there is more to learn. So learn to love the journey!