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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How do you play the overblown notes on a Bflat Clarinet?

Question:I can play them, but I don't know all the fingerings. I need to know all the way up to a B.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I can play them, but I don't know all the fingerings. I need to know all the way up to a B.

I think this chart will give you more than you need to know.

Choose the fingerings that are similar to the ones you use for high G, but not too similar. Remember that a few fingers changing from one note to the next can help the higher note to come out. If the higher fingering is too much like the one you're coming off, it may go to a lower harmonic instead.

Put the register key on! This is the spoon like key on the back of your clarinet above the thumb! Try this chart Be careful to not take your thumb off the thinb hole otherwise you will squeak!

If you are using correct fingerings then your next step is to simply use a lot of breath support and make sure your embouchure is as firm as it needs to be.