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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Can you play the fiddle..?

Question:learn something knew everyday,,,,now when i get chosen to go on the game show "millionaire" I now know the fiddle and the violin are the same damn thing lol xoxo

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: learn something knew everyday,,,,now when i get chosen to go on the game show "millionaire" I now know the fiddle and the violin are the same damn thing lol xoxo

Not very well.

Thank the lord no.

god no but i would like to try it



yep this is my third yr baby!

and its a violin. not a fiddle. YES, they are the same thing.

YES! I've been playing (American) Southern old-time and some New England contra dance music for 16 years now (self-taught by ear), and have played occasionally for contra dances as well as playing for cloggers. Earlier this year I joined a bluegrass band and have been having fun with that too.

EDIT: Via -- If you're a classical music snob, its a "violin".

If you play bluegrass, or traditional folk dance music, or almost anything OTHER than classical -- you know, the FUN stuff that gets people up and dancing, or tapping their feet and clapping along -- its a FIDDLE, baby. :-)

Heck, Yitzhak Perlman, one of the greatest classical violinists alive on the planet today -- calls his instrument a "fiddle". Clearly, HE's not a snob. :-)