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First, understand that all the letters and numbers are arbitrary. They are not the same for all manufacturers. What is a 7* on one mouthpiece is completely different than another manufacturer. This also means that the numbers and letters have no real meaning.
THe main difference between mouthpieces is the facing, or the space between the reed tip and the mouthpiece tip. This is important as it applies directly to reed choice. A soft reed needs more space/facing while a hard reed needs less. If you put a soft reed in a small facing, it may not play at all, or the tone will not sound good. The same goes for too hard of a reed in a large facing. I put an image to give you the basic parts of the mouthpiece. I also included a link of just a few of the mouthpiece facing differences.

Other mouthpiece differences are the changes to the baffle. This can change how the air flows through the mouthpiece. This kind of change is very much left to professionals who want a very certain sound generation or tone generation, and need not be worried about unless the player is highly advanced level, or professional.

Next time, can you not put a period between each word? Periods go at the end of a sentence.

The Alto Saxaphone only is made in one size, that is the alto!
