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Position:Home>Performing Arts> I'm looking at a LaVoz Mouthpiece Saver for Woodwinds and I'm thinking o


is the link and it only comes in clarinet/alto sax and tenor sax/bari sax. I don't know what size to get for my bass clarinet either that or if neither of them would work for my bass clarinet. Sorry I left out all this info in the question from before, but sometime this week my grandma is buying me a brand new bass clarinet for college, and I want to keep it as clean and healthy as possible. I don't want it to become my clarinet because it's all gross now. I never cleaned it much because I didn't have the right cleaning materials.

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is the link and it only comes in clarinet/alto sax and tenor sax/bari sax. I don't know what size to get for my bass clarinet either that or if neither of them would work for my bass clarinet. Sorry I left out all this info in the question from before, but sometime this week my grandma is buying me a brand new bass clarinet for college, and I want to keep it as clean and healthy as possible. I don't want it to become my clarinet because it's all gross now. I never cleaned it much because I didn't have the right cleaning materials.

The tenor/bari will fit it just fine. Just be careful and don't let it come through the beak side or you may cause damage.

Some people think leaving these in the mouthpiece is bad for it, they hold moisture which can cause mold. I use one to swab my mouthpiece but don't leave it in the mouthpiece when I store it. I just swab with it and put the saver away in the case. Same with my flutes and my soprano - nothing lives inside the instrument but it's always swabbed after use.