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Position:Home>Performing Arts> HELP! is this a good DRUMSET FOR A BEGINNER?!!!?


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hahahahaha no drumset for me...go with the best...go with the electric triangle...

this is just a shell pack, so if this is your first drum set i would buy a whole set. This just includes the toms, bass drum, snare and mounting hardware with no cymbals

heck yeah Binx! I mean anything to get you tstarted! You may not like the sound of the toms or the bass drum but you can get it tuned or just throw some pillow stuffing in them to stop the resonating. its a good set cuz you have all your basics there for drummin. bass snare and hats are definetly the route to all songs. so have fun go buy em!

Not really. The best method is to have them play bass drum in band for a year and take indv. lessons if they are interested. Then snare drum in yr. 2. Then transition to kit lessons. Then buy a kit. And yes I am a former drummer. Encourage their music and listen to it together to keep them interested in playing. One of the best drummers I've known was always playing out rhythms on a Pee-chee folder, once they hit the real gear they were miles ahead of anyone else in the drum section.

yea why not?

drums are just too slow...
electric flutes forever!!!