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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How can you find sheet music to the song "God bless America" without p

Question:Can't you just print it out rather than having to pay for it. And i have an audition in 3 days so i need to print out the sheet music fast! Help me, anybody... :/

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Can't you just print it out rather than having to pay for it. And i have an audition in 3 days so i need to print out the sheet music fast! Help me, anybody... :/

You can't get music for free legally. I've tried! You can get quick, easy music from , though. I needed a rare book by the next day, so I didn't want to order but I found this site, and all you have to do is find what you need, order it, and then you just print it out. My book was only about six dollars, so it's not expensive. I'm sure they'll have God Bless America.

I don't think it's in the public domain yet, so you'll have to pay for it.

Well, chances are that you're not going to be able to get the music for free. However, you might be able to play it by ear, although I don't know if that would suffice for the audition. So if you know the melody, you'll just have to play around with it until you have it down.

In future, order your music well in advance. :)