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Position:Home>Performing Arts> An instrument found in the south,not sure of spelling but sounds like dousumar.?

Question:It looks like a violin but sits on your lap and you play it like a guitar.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It looks like a violin but sits on your lap and you play it like a guitar.


no need for further answers, first one got it right (dulcimer). i merely add this as confirmation.

Dulcimer - played by the ladies in the American south .... especially Appalachians...they accompanied themselves singing folk music .. have a look at the following article:

Dulcimer - Wikipedia

Just as an added bit of info: There is also a "Hammered Dulcimer" that is shaped like a trapazoid, has about 80 strings, and you hit the strings with wooden hammers. A good on-line source is or