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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Confidence shaken - big problem - help!?

Question:Recently I lost my confidence and when I go to my performing arts class, I can't perform. I just feel scared and I know I am good - ish. What can I do because I don't want this to happen?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Recently I lost my confidence and when I go to my performing arts class, I can't perform. I just feel scared and I know I am good - ish. What can I do because I don't want this to happen?

This is where most people give up. Don't.

Gotta work through it. Everybody has been there. Keep at it and it will get easier and easier as time goes. Take small steps.

know this-- it's just drama
pretend no one else is there and pretend to be so sure of yourself then u realy will be! good luck!!!

believe in urself trust urself

tell urself u r good

ask ur frends nd family they cant really lie to u ask sum1 tho who will tell the truth who always gives thier opinion!!

relax nd just give it all you got

good luck

That happened to me to once. Just pretent than nobody else is there and do your best. Once people see how good you are at it they will cheer you on and you will not be scared anymore!=)

I get scared but all you got to do is do more plays and dance compitions and I sorts of things.

When I was in 4th grade I was a great it was my first play (Peter Pan) And I played tinkerbell! I was so stressed. It was great though after the first secne I was alright