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Position:Home>Performing Arts> What does a small number above a musical note mean?

Question:I've recently downloaded a Chopin etude and I found numbers in small font above some of the notes, I think it's fingering suggestions but I'm not sure so can anyone help me with that?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've recently downloaded a Chopin etude and I found numbers in small font above some of the notes, I think it's fingering suggestions but I'm not sure so can anyone help me with that?

probably - do the numberes run 1 2 3 4 5

yep - that's suggested fingering

practice 5 times SLOWLY for every time played 'a tempo'
to teach your fingers where to go

all the best

is it the tempo? i mean the bpm.
try count it

yes its the suggested fingering....