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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Fender jaguar bass with badass II bridge?

Question:can a badass II bridge be installed on a fender jaguar bass?
if so where could i get it installed? anyone with an idea can answer, thanx

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: can a badass II bridge be installed on a fender jaguar bass?
if so where could i get it installed? anyone with an idea can answer, thanx

First answer is right, except there's no cutting of anything. You just need to drill the new pilot holes for the screws. You can easily install it yourself - or any guitar shop can do it. It takes about 20 minutes.

Yeah, they can be installed. You just may have to cut a bit. Music-Go-Round or places like that will probably do it for you for a price. Those sound tight, btw. Nice and punchy, good if you want to have some serious slap.