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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Do you know what is a purple violin?

Question:A violin that is purple! You can get them from ebay for example Violin_W0QQitemZ150183696335QQihZ005QQca...

Some people would say that these coloured instrumets produce a weak sound! or a worse sound then wood instruments. Altough you would have to ask a violin teacher
But for people who cant afford a 'proper' instrument these are a good way to start! Instruments can be expensive so I reckon anything that allows a person to play an instrument and thus enjoy music is a good thing!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: A violin that is purple! You can get them from ebay for example Violin_W0QQitemZ150183696335QQihZ005QQca...

Some people would say that these coloured instrumets produce a weak sound! or a worse sound then wood instruments. Altough you would have to ask a violin teacher
But for people who cant afford a 'proper' instrument these are a good way to start! Instruments can be expensive so I reckon anything that allows a person to play an instrument and thus enjoy music is a good thing!

a violin that is purple?

Not sure exactly what you are asking. There are probably some purple electric violins out there.

It's a pretty cheap instrument manufactured in China or India or some third-world sweatshop. They also come in green, red, yellow and blue. You can play them if you want but the tone will never match even a beginner's model from a good violin maker.

yea! and no self respecting fiddle player would be caught dead playin one my dear!!

They sell these on Amazon and some shops in Nashville. One of my students showed up with one; it was a piece of junk.

a violin that is purrple