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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Do i have to learn on the acustic guitar to play the electric?

Question:nope not at all
i recommend just starting with electric
then once your fairly good at that you can play acoustic fairly good

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: nope not at all
i recommend just starting with electric
then once your fairly good at that you can play acoustic fairly good

i dint think so i learned on an electric and i can play both

No. Just go to your local guitar shop and ask if someone wil give you lessons, thats how all the stars started out.

It is recommended that you do.

I learned to play the acoustic guitar first, and the time I switched to the electric felt strange... easier...

No. But if you decide to play acoustic after learning electric it will definitely be more difficult than the other way around.

It would probably be worth your while learning acoustic for all those moments when only an acoustic will be at hand and you will want or be asked to play.


The two are somewhat different