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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Is there any way to get rid of my stage fright?

Question:any tips please?!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: any tips please?!!

Follow the three b's...
-B prepared (know your stuff)
-B supported (have friends and family backing you up!)
-B another person (pretend you're not yourself..this helps especially with acting. get yourself into the character's shoes and remove yourself from the situation!)

I hoped this helped! Best of luck!

The best thing you can do to start out with is be prepared. If you're confident in what you're saying hopefully the fear will be gone!

Yes there is a way to get rid of it. For example if i was scared of dancing in front of family i would get my cousin to watch me dance even though i don't know her that well. That way you SHOULD overcome that fear!

okay i am the most nervous person ever but i had to take drama and perform infront of cute guys and imtemadating girls. i almost pissed my pants. but heres a trick.
imagine: you floating down a stream. feel the water splashing around you look around the stream and see dears or what ever else you want. and breathe in deep while your thinking.
while your up there remember the people want to see you do what ever it is your doing. so if you are scared of them laughing dont be cause they just want to see you do what your doing. its o pressure they dont matter to you becuase at that moment you are the only person who you need to impress
sorry if i rambled

Drink some alcohol,it will loosen you up.

Throughout high school, I had terrible stage fright, so in college I made it a point to get myself on stage. I would participate in presentations, speeches, and any other event that put me in front of a crowd. Also, I took a class that helped me with public speaking. I think it comes down to practice, practice, practice

There is no way to rid your self of stage fright, even the most seasoned professionals have this every time they step out onto the stage or stand before a camera!
I think it is a human condition.
The best way to overcome it is to actually push the fear aside mentally and go out on to the stage! That is the only way you can do it.
It's a matter of courage. Neophyte and old stage hands of decades have this small fear. It is overcome with a bit of courage. Every time you go out on to the stage you experience this and the only way to get past it is to mentally "push the fear aside" and then stride forward compelling the body to move and automatically the training you have takes over. The mind and body will act in unison and in the end when you walk off the stage it will have all run smoothly by force of will taking over.
But you have to give that will to do it a push. It's like starting a car engine. You have to turn the key on, after that the motor will run on it's own. The key is the push for the motor.
So ...push start your role on the stage with a mental key of courage and the mind and body will turn on for you and do the jog required.
All the best to you.

It's slightly bizarre, but I once had a teacher make this comment: "Do you really think that they care that much about you?"

Sure everyone is watching you, but only a jerk is sitting there waiting for you to mess up. And do you really care what that person thinks? Take a deep breath and exhale (the exhale part is important). Find someone who will be in the audience and who is willing to work with you in advance and will be supportive. If you start to freak out then just focus on that person and exhale.

Take your time to gather your thoughts before the show/audition. You don't have to race through it. Some people even have a pre-show ritual that they do to help them focus.

Keep your sheet music/script in your back pocket (or right off stage). I find that if I keep the music nearby JUST IN CASE, then I won't blank out. It's a bit like a security blanket and it gives you that extra boost of confidence you need to get out there and do it.

Everyone gets nervous in some setting. I sing, and by the end of high school I had completely conquered my stage fright. I could stand in front of a large group of people and be perfectly comfortable. Then, when I got to college and had to sing in front of my fellow music majors my nerves came back. The first time I sang in class I had to literally put my hand on my leg because my leg wouldn't stop shaking. But the next time it wasn't quite as bad, and the time after that it was a little easier. Keep it up and eventually you will find the stage fright management technique that works best for you.

Good luck!

You can't eliminate your butterflies--you can get them to fly in formation.

There are different types of stage fright, and I can't diagnose and offer treatments completely here--but here's an overview.

Some stage fright comes from convincing yourself that you're not good enough. To cope with that, prepare well! and discipline yourself to ignore negative thoughts. Don't let yourself think "I'll blow it", rather think "I'm prepared; if it goes wrong, it's just bad luck, and I'll live to perform another day."

Some stage fright comes from physical tension; you experience it as shaking, muscle knots, sweating, heart pounding. The problem is too much adrenaline--to get rid of it, you can shake your body parts vigorously, yawn, stretch, take a big-big swallow of water. You can also reduce your normal level of physical tension by doing tense-release exercises: lie down and start at the feet--curl toes down (not so hard that it hurts, but tightly) and then release. Repeat. Then curl toes up--release--repeat. Then do the same for all major muscle groups working up the body: calves, knees, thighs, glutes, abs, so-abs, lats, pecs, traps, bikes, trikes, etc. Dont' skip throat and face and tongue.

Then there's psychological stage fright, manifested by a blank mind or vision distortion. The way to cope with that is creative visualization--the sort of thing that's presented in relaxation cds and guided visualization tapes. It involves using the imagination--the right frontal lobe of your brain--to visualize vivid scenarios where you'd feel relaxed. Do it regularly and your mind becomes less stressed.