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Position:Home>Performing Arts> How To Make Yourself Cry?

Question:It's for school play. Please do not suggest to think of a sad time.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: It's for school play. Please do not suggest to think of a sad time.

when i need to cry (fake cry) the easiest thing is to make believe that the worst tragedy possible just happened, i know it sounds dumb but just play through a car accident or someone you love's funeral in your mind, it mostly helps if the person you think about is still alive, and think of everything you would miss,i know it sounds morbid but i hope it helps

Think of a Democrat in the White House.

Oh i would think a little onion under the eye should do it.(or mac has a good answer)

u can buy these things called fake tears.... they really work

You could probably visit an acting supply store and see if they have any eye drops that make fake tears. Or, using regular eye drops before you go on stage might work too.

Just practice the sound and movements that comes with crying... and since you'll probably be on stage and not face-to-face with the audience, maybe they won't realize that you're not actually crying... as long as you have the rest of the acting down good.

just spray perfume to your eyes...

trust me

its work

ok theres this thing that looks like lipstick and you rub it under your eyes and it makes ya cry
try to find it, its really good

think of your face........ just kiddin' you could go to a acting supply store or maybe a joke store.