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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Hey im singing for the queeny soon and i need my voice to last along time/ actua

Question:which foods drinks to avoid as they will rubish up singing would also be usful ty

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: which foods drinks to avoid as they will rubish up singing would also be usful ty

milk products like cheese, chocs and ice cream will cause phlegm so avoid them 1 or 2 days before the performance unless u wanna keep clearing your throat.

chilli and spicy food may lower ur range bacause spicy food affect your vocal chords.

oily food (this includes fried food) will also make you feel uncomfortable as you sing and also affect your tone and affect your vocal chords.

avoid these 3 types of food, especially 2-3 days before the performance.

more importantly take care of your health and your voice. people tend to practice too much the day before or so, and strain their voices. take care to give your throat and vocal chords adequate rest.

my choir teacher also used to give us herbal tea, honey water and vitamin c in the days leading up to our choir competitions, so maybe you can try them also.

If you are that good that you are singing for the queeny then you should know all about it already. Stop jerking my turkey.

no fried food. only mineral water. try to practice your breathing. swimming will be good, as it works out your lungs. sing any song right after you wake up every morning. it will eliminate the bad after-i-wake-up-in-the-morning voice. good luck