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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Comedic monolouge?

Question:Where can i find a good comedic monolouge and good song for an audition? thanks

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Where can i find a good comedic monolouge and good song for an audition? thanks

Do George Carlin's Seven Words You Can Never Say on Television.

anything by ellen degenres

just look around you ...people are so funny if you think about it and watch them its really funny,,like have you ever seen some one go up to another person setting near the news paper not touching it etc and ask ARE YOU USING THAT? and the person sort of jumps and looks and have a bit of a frown and says no that just cracks me up!! or the guy who gets mad and beats his wheel in traffic !! or the way they dont want to let you in when you are merging or have a turn signal on to change lanes it reminds me of kindergarten ,,,nooo you cat cut in line Im tellin lololol and a son geeez try a kiddy song with some adult content to it if you are a natural comic im sure you can do it!!! confidence is more than half the battle ......good luck