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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Quick questions about auditions?

Question:i want to audition for our school musical in april. I can act and sing but my singing is not the best. i can sing really well when it is low (i have a naturally low voice when i sing but i go to an all girls school so all the music is up higher. is there any free website that i can train my self to sing higher?

part 2-- we also have to dance. i am not the best dancer. so can you tell me how your school held the dance part of auditions? was it in a group or what?

auditions are in april like i said. i just want to be ready. Im 14 if that is help

if it helps i auditioned for the musical in 6th grade but those were not real auditions. it was more like the teacher saying "OK whose mom works here? OH Riley your mom works here. have a lead role. OK who has rich parents...Marlana have a lead role. Oh Megan your the new girl. I dont know your parents. here your a background character.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i want to audition for our school musical in april. I can act and sing but my singing is not the best. i can sing really well when it is low (i have a naturally low voice when i sing but i go to an all girls school so all the music is up higher. is there any free website that i can train my self to sing higher?

part 2-- we also have to dance. i am not the best dancer. so can you tell me how your school held the dance part of auditions? was it in a group or what?

auditions are in april like i said. i just want to be ready. Im 14 if that is help

if it helps i auditioned for the musical in 6th grade but those were not real auditions. it was more like the teacher saying "OK whose mom works here? OH Riley your mom works here. have a lead role. OK who has rich parents...Marlana have a lead role. Oh Megan your the new girl. I dont know your parents. here your a background character.

Practise doing arpeggios and scales every day, and try and increase by a tone each week, this will stretch your vocal chords.

Also ask your mum to book you some dance lessons so you can learn the basics.

Hey there, since it's an all-girl school, is there a male role to play? If that's the case, your lower voice would come in quite handy. ;-)
For the dance, I think they start with group auditions and later on will narrow it down. But since you're smart and want to get ready beforehand, I suggest to practice practice practice... until you eat, drink, sleep and breathe your moves.
And most of all, persist and give it your best shot.
Good luck! Ooooh, sorry I should say: break a leg!