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Position:Home>Performing Arts> If i get a 4 string bass what kind of pick should i use??? light, medium, or hea

Question:i am just starting bass

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i am just starting bass

I like heavy picks myself

I'd suggest a nylon pick, a big one.

your supposed to use your fingers

Really, you should just use a heavy. I for one think you should use your fingers

They make a slightly larger pick for electric bass, or you can use an extra heavy guitar pick. Make sure you get one with a finger grip since the heavier strings tend to pull at the pick more than the regular electric strings do. Eventually, you are going to want to work up the callouses on your fingers to play with your first and second finger (along with your thumb for certain fourth string effects) because it will increase the range of styles you can play.

To start with I would use the heavy pick.....and then go to fingers as soon as fact if you could I would start with fingers....just a little everyday until you develop the callouses that your going to need to play those thick strings....most bass players do not use a pick !!!!!!! I couldn't use a pick, I've tried but forget about it....I'm so use to my fingers that I can't get use to a pick, and if you intend to play with your fingers why bother with a pick at all....????

dont use a pick
just use your fingers
if your gonnna use one use a heavy pick