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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Christmas talent show?

Question:are there any christmas talent shows in mississauga or toronto happening this year? is so i really want to audition!
does anybody know anything? or any web sites to check out?
anything, does anyone know anything plz answer. thx [=

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: are there any christmas talent shows in mississauga or toronto happening this year? is so i really want to audition!
does anybody know anything? or any web sites to check out?
anything, does anyone know anything plz answer. thx [=

Your going to have to check your local newspaper for this information....check with the colleges, schools etc. Also check your bulletin board in the super market.....or any local stores....sometimes they have signs in their windows.....good luck to you.....If you lived in New Jersey I could tell you right where to go....but this talent contest is only in the summertime....Having talent shows in the winter....ummm I doubt that your going to find one....maybe this summer you'll have more luck !!!!!!!!