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Position:Home>Performing Arts> As a local musician, what is the lowest you've been paid and the highest?

Question:Playing in bars, etc....what kind of money have you made?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Playing in bars, etc....what kind of money have you made?

Well alot of it depends on where you live, and what kind of club you're playing, whether its a holiday, or if the owners are having a private party. Most Ive made I guess was 1 thousand, on New Years Eve, for a local club. The least amount EVER made? Hmm have to go back to mid 80's when everyone got around 50 bucks a nite per man.

Kaiser said it all. I actually made only 30 bucks one night, back in the late 80's. Course, that was because my exwife ran up a bar was actually about 70 for the gig........