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Position:Home>Performing Arts> Are you right handed or left handed?

Question:I'm a lefty! (and we rule!)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm a lefty! (and we rule!)

the ancient word for RIGHT is Dextra,from which you get dexterous,implying that if u r right handed,u r okay n skillful..the anciennt word for LEFT is Sinistra.which because left handed is rare,it got the connation of something wrong.strange/not normal,therefore Sinister/Evil..people fear that which is different;,,myself,i am rightie



Imma rightie! :]


lefty baby! =)

I wonder why the majority of people are right handed...?

A lefty

i am a righty

Ambidextrous - I write, throw, kick, punch, drum with both sides. It's great to always have a spare when something's injured, but annoying when using scissors. I did have to choose with guitar, but if I could afford 2, I could play either way.

Leftie and proudly artistic!

righty sorry

I'm a lefty!
We are a quite rare coming...
I wonder if the hand that you write with is any thing like your sign (virgo, pices, etc.) It would be quite interesting to find out our future based on right or left! lol

left all the way